This is one of those cases where the crime scene gives the impression that it might have been purposely adulterated in order to better suite our taste for flip-flops. Perhaps they know BestGore is making Brazil famous? One of the photos focuses entirely on the pink flip-flop rather than the woman’s corpse itself. Brazilian gore material is endless nowadays, and the majority of what I find is murders. Many of the photos are taken by police or investigators and posted on the internet by themselves. Aren’t there laws that protect the confidentiality of the victims and their respective families over there? Nevertheless, it has the positive effect that it allows us to illustrate this world’s realities, uncensored and unbiased.

This past Wednesday the 19th of March, the body in advanced state of decomposition of 24 year old Wilza Karla Feliciano Lira was found in a suburb area of Nova Caruaru, State of Pernambuco – Brazil, after being missing for 10 days.

According to her family, Wilza suffered a motorcycling accident 3 years ago, leaving her in a precarious health state. And it was during this time of recovery that she met 42 year old Josean Pereira, who she developed an affection for. He, the loving and kind man he appears to be, well, from the photo at least, got her hooked on crack and pot, making her go to rehab 3 times and being unsuccessful on all of them. She was raped a month ago by another drug user, said the family.

The victim was found inside a building, still under construction. The place is known by locals for being a frequent hotspot for drug users. Wilza had a big cut in her face and a stick stuck in her eye. Next to her there was a lighter, the infamous flip-flips and also a brick covered in blood, suggesting that it was the murder weapon. Or was the brick just a mere distraction? Those flip-flips sure look suspicious to me.


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