This seems like another well deserved fate. We’ve grown so accustomed to see the bad guys always getting their fit punishments that it appears like it has become the rule of thumb. There are times were the uncertainty of guilt looms in the air, but in this case these two idiots are indeed guilty as sin.

So here’s what happened. Two jerks thought “hey bro, hum… lets steal a car, uh?” – “Sure! I got nothing else to do” so off they went, looking at rides and making their pick and bam, they find the right car to steal. It all goes smoothly until here, they do steal the car and run off with it. What they weren’t counting on was the owner calling the police almost immediately after the Grand Theft Auto and a police unit catching up with them a few minutes later. So, what did they do? Well they ran away from the cops, of course.

This all happened in a place of Brazil known for it’s overall violence, Caruaru – Pernambuco (even the crime in my previous had occurred there), this past Friday the 21th of March.

The dead guy, 20 year old Rafael Firmino da Silva (I’m still wondering how this name got so widespread in Brazil… The Portuguese sure must have raped a lot of black slaves and Indians, cause I see this name popping up constantly, and most of the people who bear it are mixed), who looks more like he’s 15, was a typical show-off cretin. Loved to take photos with guns (real ones) and post them on social media. Well, his latest photos are indeed being shared, but not on Facebook… Near his body there was a 38. caliber revolver. He was also an ex-con, by the way.

The police have already identified his accomplice but didn’t reveal his name. They only asserted that all is being done to capture him.

Does a life of crime really pay? Not even John Gotti got away with it, why should these punks? Think, before committing any crime.


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