While Kim Chiu was enjoying the cold, snowy weather of Korea, Gerald Anderson had fun during the last holidays with his awesome male friends in Baler, Aurora. He was with fellow PBB ex-housemate Fred Payawan and some other friends who are now
getting famous such as Ali Claus, Mike Young and Jalal Cali Laidan. Gerald and friends were there for two days and had a shirtless adventure together. They soaked in the sun, hit the beach, had surfing, toured the place and made some real hot pumping actions. Photos courtesy of Jalal Cali Laidan. Related Posts : Gerald Anderson, Kapamilya Snapshots Thank you so much for visting Funny picture smileand reading our articles. If you find this post interesting, please do remember to share it on Facebook, Twitter or Google+. Adding a comment below will be much appreciated


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