I once witnessed a kid, roughly my age, getting a tremendous beating at school. I was around 11 or 12 years old and didn’t really knew what to make of the whole situation. It was a group of about 5 or 6 kids kicking him while he laid on the ground in a fetal-like position. I remember that over 50 – 60 kids made a circle around them to watch the whole ‘spectacle’. I felt like intervening but the bullies were older and taller than me, so I just cowardly witnessed like all the others. I later found out that the kid that was being beaten was mentally impaired. This is one of those memories that just got glued in my mind and no matter how hard I try, I can’t forget them. I feel extremely bad for not having done anything. Obviously now, as an adult, I would act differently in a similar situation. I know, deep down inside, I wouldn’t allow anyone to be beaten or bullied in front of me, no matter how hazardous the situation might be.
Its one of those mistakes we learn from that end up being character building.

I have little information regarding this lynching other than it happened somewhere in flip-floplandia, Brazil, after the rapist was released from prison. From this I can only speculate, but the guy took an intense beating. They made absolutely sure he suffered. From the looks of it this time rocks were not enough, so someone used a sharp object, probably a machete or a big knife, to cut this guy’s face and hands.

I did say rapist instead of “alleged rapist” because he was indeed convicted by a court of law, to what effect that has, considering its the Brazilian judicial system we’re talking about, absolutely corrupt to it’s core and ineffective. For all I know this guy could have been someone the cops just picked up from the streets and put a tag on him with the word “rapist”, to appease the masses yearning for blood. Or he could indeed have been a rapist. Well, I guess we’ll never know.

Don’t you guys feel pity for the good people that live in Brazil? Unless you are rich, or live far away from big cities, you do live with fear of getting mugged, shot at, lynched if someone yells the word “rapist!”, etc. It really must be mentally exhausting to live with these uncertainties every single day. Now its comprehensible why so many desire to leave the country.

Just staying alive for another day is truly an achievement over there.


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